MIT Linguistics and Philosophy
77 Massachusetts Avenue, 32-D808
Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
My name is Elise Newman and I am an assistant professor here at MIT. I work primarily on syntax, with additional interests in semantics/pragmatics and first language acquisition. I finished my PhD at MIT in 2021, and more recently was a postdoc at the University of Edinburgh, where I collaborated with researchers from Edinburgh, Goettingen, and Stonybrook on a project about syntactic locality effects.
Outside of being a linguist, I enjoy soccer, ceramics, and hiking/cycling.
Newman, E. (forthcoming) When arguments Merge. MIT Press.
Thesis (2021):
Newman, E. (2024) The order of operations and A/A-bar interactions. NLLT.
Newman, E. (2023) Probing for the closest DP: a reply to Branan et al. (2022). Linguistic Inquiry.
Newman, E. (2023). Voice and VP-ellipsis revisited. Constellations: Journal of NYI, 1. Link:
Newman, E. (2021). On the interpretation of tense in temporal adverbial clauses. Glossa: A Journal of General Linguistics, 6(1): 12. 1-30. DOI:
Gowda, Y., E. Newman, L. Rosenstein, and M. Hackl (2020). Scalar inferences in the acquisition of even. Frontiers in Communication, section Language Sciences: 5, p. 117. DOI:
Newman, E. (2021). vP infinitives in Wolof: on A'-movement to Spec vP. ACAL 2019 Proceedings: Preprint version.
Newman, E. (2020). Facilitator effects in middles and more. Glossa: A Journal of General Linguistics, 5(1), 62. DOI: